Hi, my name is Isabella Vincil, and I am so so excited to be your SWAG chair this year! Please reach out to me with any SWAG-related questions or suggestions! I would love to hear from you :)
Our classic racing singlet! We have multiple designs which may vary from year to year, but they are all navy.
A special order by past SWAG Chair, Kristina! We’ve reordered this year, so there’s plenty in stock!
A special order by past SWAG Chair, Theresa!
MRun’s signature SWAG item, our classic blue crewneck! Super comfy and great for Michigan weather.
Special order by past SWAG chair, Mallory! Another super soft item that’s perfect for cooler weather!
Another special order by past SWAG chair, Theresa! Pick up your super soft hoodie at office hours today!
Also known as the Bestpants
A very popular hat. It’s perfect for sunny meets!
Protect yourself from the sun and/or cold with these super cool SWAG items!
Brooks Hat (with ponytail opening) - $5
MRun Sunglasses - $5
Show your MRun spirit with shirts of the seasons past! Stop by office hours to browse the large variety of options!
Women’s Spandex: various brands and colors
Men’s Nike Half Tights: navy
Men’s and Women’s Split Shorts: solid navy or navy and white